Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pulau Semakau Intertidal Walks

Was prompted by acc on the interdidal walk organised by RMBR. Finally sent an email to the organiser checking for availability on 26 June 09 which only left with 4 vacancies. Hopefully, the slot is still available else have to wait until September 09 which is the last slot for the year.

For more information, do go to this url:

It seems that there are lots of nature groups these days and i have put their website up on the main page of my blog.

How i envy

Every time when i look through all the pictures and the hiking stories shared by Micheal im truly envy and jealous. Envy that the nature is so close to his heart and his backyard and he has all the time to go out there to explore the nature. Next is the photographs that he posted. I can really imagine myself been with him right at the spot where the subjects were captured via the lens. As for the jealousy part, it has to do more with photography. Have been toying with the idea of getting a DSLR for the longest time and until today, i still have not make up whether should i or should i not. Im just worry that it will become a white elephant after a few months.

If you are keen to "explore" the jungle of Borneo with Michael, do go to this url:

I better get my bum off the chair and start exploring our own backyard first before venturing further.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The sage on Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi red

Further to my posting below, this afternoon a saga was staged on this matter. This time round, it involved the "mop" and yours truly. Its just a simple non offensive statement which is the fact and yet it was made an issue out of it. Its simply crazy and immature way of handling! Anyone interested to read more on this, please go to

I gave myself a few tapped on my shoulder on my reply. i think i have been very objective and straight to the point. I would welcome another round of "discussion" but to drop names here and there is simply such a turnoff. Please grow up!

As im typing this, another drama is set or perhaps ended. This time round its over whether is this batch of cornu-cervi red that is selling here a species or hybrids. What a controversial phalaenopsis.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi "red"


This plant cost one of our friend an arm and leg and i really mean it! I (read not only me but lots of others in the nursery as well) paid very cheaply for this plant and for that amount of money that he had paid for.. wow.. can buy more than 10 plants of the same kind. Honestly, im not mocking him or making fun of him but its just to rush to go in and paid that kind of money for this especially for a phalaenopsis!

Thank goodness some of us check with W and we all went in the afternoon for a great selection. However, the person that import in all these red cornu-cervi is selling to all walk-in customer at slightly higher price. The reason is because his tenant, another orchid seller, came and nagged at him for selling them to cheaply! Read the word "nag" and you can figure out who the seller is.

Some self acclaimed phalaenopsis grower cum moderator claimed that in order to get the best phalaenopsis, one must be on the good side of LMH, BS to a certain extend! Yes, LMH is consider one of the better phalanenopsis grower and hybridizer locally and indeed he has some of the best crosses that you can find but for this red conu-cervi, im afraid not! All you need to know is where the source of the plant is and who is selling them!

For the record, this batch of cornu-cervi red is not create by MH but was imported into Singapore by a local nursery that got them from Thailand.

Phalaenopsis violacea "Malayan"

The latest bloom with four flowers in a row... NICE!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Do you CC your boss in every of the email that you send to anybody be it the person is higher ranking than you or your subordinate?

I dont usually CC my boss in my email reply unless otherwise necessary or im replying to my boss's bosses or i will just bcc him to let him know what is happening. Recently, i have received lots of emails from my indian colleagues and almost all of them have my boss copied on which i really wonder is it really necessary after all. I made some noise on this matter to Y just yesterday evening and she is equally "amazed" as well.

Just today, i received a pm from this person from the forum and i was surprised that he CC as well which made me really scratched my head off. Dont get me wrong here, its perfectly fine to CC but i think it shld be used effectively.

The wonders of technology bring and the culture of CC is indeed "awesome"! Im totally speechless on this...

Monday, April 13, 2009

More blooming phalaenopsis

It is likely due to the recent hot and wet weather, lots of phalaenopsis are blooming not only mine but also some of my friends.

Phalaenopsis ambonosa




The alba form of Phalaenopsis bellina. Bought this from Richard in Serembang.


Sunday, April 12, 2009


Was over at mum's place and watching the final of campus super star. Im very impressed with the last two finalist especially the female singer. She has very good vocal especially for her built. Coincidentally, the male singer is in the same catergory; both are small in build but big in vocal.

The song that the male finalist sang caught my attention and i quickly do a search on the net for the lyric. These days, hardly any song will catch my attention and indeed the lyric is very written. Also found the mp3 sang by the original singer. She is good, very pure and beautiful vocal.












Once again im woke up by my friendly neighbour making noise outside the lift landing. The first thing that i did is to log on to GCS to check whether did EO reply to my pm. He did and the matter was resolved. Long story short, one of the topic that i post my plants on was closed without any reason given. It is not that im angry over it but at the very least a proper eply shld be provided. Guess it is the rudness of the person that pisses me off. GCS is a good platform to share gardening activities but to do such a thing on a public platform shows alot abt the person whom closed it. Shldnt let this bother me again.... but i do think that my posting over at the said platform will cut down.

The long weekend is good and have spent some good time with you know who... thanks to you.

Shall now try to go back and catch up on my beauty sleep...

Good nitez.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Value of Silence

I chanced upon this yesterday while browsing on Facebook. It is from this year’s convocation speech for NTU’s School of Communication and Information, given by Adrian Tan (The writer of The Teenage Textbook) - it is strangely relevant to the forum yesterday.

“The truth has a great capacity to offend and injure, and you will find that the closer you are to someone, the more care you must take to disguise or even conceal the truth. Often, there is great virtue in being evasive, or equivocating. There is also great skill. Any child can blurt out the truth, without thought to the consequences. It takes great maturity to appreciate the value of silence.”

Silence should not be encouraged, but one must learn the art of thoughtful revelation.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Some more blooms


Got this from CML which ah han used it as one of this parent plant for crossing. M glad that this bloom again. Now is to get it grow more new leaves.


Really have no idea what is the above cross with. This was bought from Robert during our Cameron trip. The plant was tagged wrongly i guess and it looks more like Phal Penang Ruby.


The above Phal bellina was bought from SP during the last plant sale at SBG. Good buy and can tell that SP really take good care of his plants.
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