Saturday, May 17, 2008

Phalaenopsis bellina


This is the longest wait that i have for my bellina to bloom. Maybe it was due to the long raining season that we had during towards the end of last year and early this year. Most of my bellinas have thrown out new spikes. I just cant wait for all of them to flower faster...

Phalaenopsis conu-cervi


This fellow never fails to bloom but i have taken it for granted cause it is always blooming without fail. Must learn not to take things for granted...


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Phalaenopsis Gelblieber (amboinensis x micholitzii)


Got this from Tommy last week at a very good price. I actually hesitated when Tommy asked me whether do i want to buy. Tommy is well known for selling his orchids very expensively. I hesitated and actually asked him for the price, $50/-, i was shocked and immediately paid him. Before that Mel and i when around looking for the same plant that Wairon bought last week from Tommy as well. But we cldnt find it. Well im glad that its now mine...



Friday, May 2, 2008

Phalaenopsis amboinensis flava


Finally i got this plant in my possession. Good thing that this didnt cause a hand and a leg but rather reasonable i think.
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